For many, the thought of naming fish seems a little on the crazy side. After all, it’s not like they are going to come swimming when you call, learn their names, or even know that they have one! However, we, yes you and me, as fish owners know that they are part of the family and deserve to be treated as such, even in the little things, and it all starts with giving them a name. For a bit of fun, here’s a list of 101 (ish) fish names for boys and girls alike!!
Choosing a name for your fish is not always easy but the great thing is that you can afford to get really creative and even pick long names as you’re probably not going to use them that often. You can have first names, middle names, last names, and even nicknames, as long as you are happy with them.
To help you get started choosing names, we have put together a list of 101 (ish) perfect fish names for both boys and girls (males and females). So without further ado, let’s get to it and share with you some great suggestions.

Table of Contents
Famous Fish From TV, Film, And Literature
Characters from TV, film, and literature are always popular when it comes to choosing names for our pets. However, we’re going to step it up a notch or two when it comes to choosing ones for your family’s swimmers and suggest names from famous fictional fish.
Blinky – A three-eyed fish from the Simpsons
Bruce – The great white in Finding Nemo and the name for the mechanical shark in the film Jaws – double whammy!
Cleo – The goldfish from the much loved Disney film Pinocchio
Destiny – The whale shark featured in Finding Dory
Flounder – The Little Mermaids tropical fish friend
Pudge – Lilo’s friend in Lilo And Stitch
Nemo – The star in Disney’s underwater phenomenon Finding Nemo
Dory – Nemo’s best friend and star of her own film Finding Dory
Marlin – A clownfish from Finding Nemo
Moby Dick The famous whale from the 1851 novel of the same name by Herman Melville
Jaws – The human flesh-hungry great white from the 1975 film Jaws
Willy – The orca that Jesse rescues from captivity in the 1993 film Free Willy
Wanda – The Goldfish in the film entitled A Fish Called Wanda
As you can see, the list above forms part of the 101 fish names for boys and girls, continue reading for more great names.

Punny Fish Names
There’s no explanation needed here really other than to say everyone loves a good old pun. After all, who wouldn’t laugh when they ask you the name of your Goldfish and you reply ‘Sea-line Dion?’
James Pond
Han Sole-O
Megan Mackerel
Prince Whale-Iam
Sea-Line Dion
Guppi Goldberg
Marlin Monroe
Goldie Hawn
Meryl Stream
Leonardo Di Carpio
Fortuna Teller
Gill Friend
More Than One Fish Names
It’s rare that, unless you keep male Bettas or Goldfish, you’ll just have one fish. For this reason, paired names and group names can be perfect to help you remember who all your fish are. Group names are also good for those keeping fish in schools where it would be impossible to identify each individual.
The Peaky Blinders – Perfect for any school of unruly fish
The Hells Angels – Ideal for the hell raisers of your aquarium
The Lion, The Witch, And The Goldfish – What can I say? Just Amusing!
Sea And Weed – Well, it made me giggle!
Aqua And Fina – A brand of purified water that makes for two cute names
Tom And Jerry – The quintessential cat and mouse
Simon And Garfunkel – A perfect melodic pairing
Pina And Colada – Let’s cocktail!
Senor And Senorita – For your loved up pair
Simba And Nala – Perhaps, Disney’s most famous couple
Oopsy And Daisy – Is this catastrophic humor?
Dartagnan, Aramis, Athos, And Porthos – Valiant, brave, and full of character
Ross And Rachel – Friends and TV sitcoms most famous couple – he’s her lobster after all!
Mickey And Minnie – Just plain iconic
Romeo And Juliet – Shakespeare’s most famous and ill-fated duo
Heathcliff And Cathy – For those turbulent aquarium pairings, a turbulent couple from the Brontes
Beavis And Butthead – MTV’s pair of idiotic teens
Lady And The Tramp – Classic love pairing from the house of Disney
Fish And Chips – No explanation needed, I’m sure
Mona And Lisa – Da Vinci’s most famous painting, surely?
Charles And Dickens – A bit of literary class
The Bronte Sisters – More literary class from the moors of Haworth
Fred And Barney – The Flintstones best buddies
Beauty And The Beast – Simply a tale as old as time!
Huey, Duey, and Lewey – Donald Ducks cheeky and impish nephews
Donald And Daisy – The loved up ducks from Disney

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Myth And Mythology
For those who fancy something a little bit different, there is always myth to turn to. After all, there are plenty of mystical and mysterious sea creatures that are embedded in mythology.
Ikaroa – From Maori myth, the fish mother goddess of all the stars
Leviathan – A biblical sea creature from Talmud
Namazu – An earthquake causing catfish from Japan
Abaia – An eel from Melanesian mythology
Jasconius – The enormous fish from the story of St Brendan
Kraken – A legendary sea monster – ‘release the kraken!’
Poseidon – God of the sea from Greek mythology
Neptune – God of the sea from Roman myth
Atlantis – The lost city deep under the sea
Nessie – Scotland’s very own (mythical?) sea monster
Famous Characters From TV, Films, And Literature
There are a plethora of names you could use for your fish that are taken from characters in films, on TV, and within the pages of books. Here are just a few of the most popular ones that are used today.
Aquaman DC Comics heir to the underwater city of Atlantis
Ariel (& Eric) – The Little Mermaid and her prince
Sansa – No TV name list would be complete without a Game Of Thrones character
Mr. Darcy (& Elizabeth) – Jane Austen’s dashing hero and heroine
Captain Birdseye – Don’t tell your fish, but Captain Birdseye makes marvelous fish dishes!
Carrie (& Mr. Big) – The iconic and stylish couple from Sex And The City
Pongo (& Perdy) – Disney’s loved up pooches with a rather large family
Maverick (& Goose) – Top Guns of the sky
Annabelle – The pretty, but creepy doll who now has her own film franchise
Homer (& Marge) – No explanation needed, I suspect!
Danny Ocean – The genius thief with the ideal name
Anastasia (& Mr. Grey) – 50 shades of fish names anyone?

Colors, Places, Fish Related, And Random Things
If you fancy being a bit more random the following list could be for you. It includes colors, artists, famous historical figures, places, and much much more.
Picasso – A colorful name for a colorful fish
Beethoven – Create a water symphony with this classy title
Rose – As a fictional Titanic survivor, beautiful color, and fishtail type this name is multi-functional
Sushi – Perhaps best not to tell your fish they are named after food created from them
Cleopatra – An ideal name for a dominant female swimmer
Bubbles – A popular name for many goldfish out there
Bob – An oldie, but a goodie if you like classics
Pacific – A watery name that also sounds pretty cool
Erie – If oceans, why not lakes?
Candy – Good for multi-color fish
Emerald – A fairly common name used for Bettas with green hues
Ruby – A good all-rounder being a girls name and color
Samurai – Fab name for those feisty aquarium inhabitants
Bella – For those pretty ladies in your tank
Mercedes – A luxury car brand that makes for a luxurious name
Peaches – Just plain old cutesy
Lunar – No reason, I just like it
Mystique – Perfect for those fish who hideaway and therefore are a bit of a mystery
Phantom – A solid name for a black fish or those who are rarely seen
Ghost – Great for hard to see fish due to camouflage or transparency
Sapphire – For the sparkly fish in your life
Nightshade – Sounds deadly and mysterious, doesn’t it?
Crystal – Sugar and spice, and all things nice
Boo – Used as a pet name for people so why not use it for your pet?
Orchid – Gorgeous, and sometimes rare flowers making for a unique name
Lily – A gentle sounding name for those elegant swimming aquarium inhabitants

Coming Up With Names Of Your Own
There are, of course, no rules when it comes to naming your fish, and you certainly don’t have to use any of the above. Take your time to choose the perfect name for your fish and perhaps even come up with themes of your own. There are many out there such as planets, Greek Gods, Football players, car manufacturers, and even flower species. The sky’s the limit and only your imagination will limit you!
We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our list of 101 fish names for boys and girls and inspired you to find a great name for your new pet.
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I have been working in the tropical fish industry for over 30 years now and I’m still learning. Everyday is a school day in this hobby. In my spare time I play golf very badly!