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Strangest Goldfish You Will Ever See! Panda Telescope
Like you, I have seen many goldfish in my time and plenty of unusual cold water fish but this Panda Telescope is one of the …
Glofish Types & Breeds: Colors | Types | Cost | Size | Lifespan
GlofishⓇ are a patented commercial brand that sells amazingly stunning fluorescent fish. They have neon-bright coloration, come in several types and colors, and look amazing …
Average Cost Of Pet Fish: 50 Examples With Prices
If you are considering getting a home aquarium, you are probably wondering what the average cost of pet fish is. In this article we cover …
21 Examples Of Popular Freshwater Fish (With Images)
Starting a freshwater aquarium, especially with popular freshwater fish, is one of the most exciting parts of becoming a fishkeeper. Indeed, the initial excitement of …
Why is my goldfish gasping for air? Lack of oxygen | Hungry | Why?
Have you ever noticed your goldfish at the top of their aquarium (Hopefully Not A Bowl) gasping for air? Often this can get overlooked because …
21 Ways to make your Fish Happy!
There isn’t a lot of point in keeping fish unless you are going to keep happy fish. So aim for much higher than just maintenance …
Anatomy of a Goldfish: Body Shapes | Fins | Size | Organs
Within the fish keeping world, you’d be pretty hard pressed to find someone that hasn’t at one time or another kept the gorgeous Goldfish. They …
Saltwater Fish You Dream About Owning (16 Most Expensive Saltwater Fish)
If you’re anything like me, you will have seen some amazing saltwater fish at your local pet or aquatic store and dreamed of owning one. …