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What do Tiger Barbs eat? Diet | Timings | Foods | Portion Size
The Tiger Barb is an extremely popular and easy to care for tropical freshwater fish species. They are fun to watch, speedy swimmers, and have …
Aquarium Cleaning Fish: Types | Species | Lifespan | Size | Care
Whilst algae is one of the signs that your aquarium is healthy you do not want too much of it. It spoils the aesthetics unless …
What is the Best Aquarium Size for Beginners? Big or Small!
If you are starting out by wading into the wonderful world of fishkeeping, you are probably wondering which is the best aquarium size for beginners? …
Guppy Bent Spines: Reasons | Treatments | Cures | Facts
The Guppy is a highly popular community aquarium fish that is available in many colors, patterns, and tail types. They are easy to keep, hardy, …
8 Most Popular Tropical Fish For Beginners & Some unusual ones!
There’s an overwhelming array of tropical fish to choose from when you’re ready to stock your new aquarium. Many are very common species found all …
Can Fish Cry? (Do they even have tears and can they produce them?)
This seems a strange question to ask, but one that is asked on a regular basis and therefore warrants an answer. Why do people and …
How Long Does It Take A Fish To Grow To Full Size?
When people first get a fish, they are usually small juvenile fish. Sometimes these small fish will eventually grow to become very large fish. Over time …
What do Mandarin Fish eat? ( What they eat, how much, and how often )
As one of the most attractive saltwater aquarium fish available, the Mandarin fish (Synchiropus Splendidus) is a popular choice for many home aquariums. It is …