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Mandarin Fish Facts – 7 Little known Facts
Undeniably the Mandarin fish is one of the most beautiful fish in the ocean, and it is this fact that draws people into keeping them. …
Why is my Betta Fish Not Moving?
We cover 4 Possible Reasons why your Betta Fish Is Not Moving in this article Betta fish are gorgeous little guys that are full of …
How To Clean Your Aquarium Filter Without Losing Good Bacteria
The majority of fish keepers will have a weekly schedule of maintenance that they perform on their aquariums. In most cases, this will include water …
What Do Betta Fish Eat? | Recommendations and prices
Betta fish are some of the loveliest fish around, with their colorful fins and unique personalities. We look at what betta fish eat and suggest …
Best Fish Tank Ornaments (Kids Aquarium Tanks Decor)
When it comes to decorating your aquarium the choices are endless. However, In this review of the Best Fish Tank Ornaments for kids aquariums we’ll …
Saltwater vs Freshwater Aquariums: 21 Pros and Cons
If you are a complete beginner as an aquarium enthusiast, you might be unsure which tank to start with. There are quite a few differences …
Which fish can live with Bettas ( With 12 Examples and Photos )
There are so many options when it comes to fish keeping these days. So, how do you figure out what fish is best suited to …
Kids Fish Tanks – Perfect Gifts, We Reviewed The Best Found Online!
Are you thinking about buying your child a fish tank as a gift? Maybe for A Christmas or a Birthday present? Then read on! We …