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Why Are Your Fish Not Eating – 9 Possible Reasons
There are many reasons why your fish may not be eating or eating less. Thankfully most of the reasons can be corrected before there’s any …
Why Are Cats Attracted To Goldfish? Learn Why!
When we think of cats and goldfish, we instinctively conjure up an image of a cat pawing inside a goldfish bowl determined to catch the …
7 ways to make your fish grow faster (using ethical methods)
Do you want to make your fish grow faster? When you’re a pet owner, be it a fishkeeper or a fur-parent, it’s natural that you …
Why is my Betta fish not eating? (Top 5 Possible Reasons)
For anyone who has kept a Betta or any fish for that matter, you will eventually come to question – why is my Betta fish …
35 Unforgettable Neon Tetra Names- With reasons why!
Neon Tetra’s are without a doubt one of the most popular community fish, especially amongst aquarium beginners. They are easy to care for, good looking, …
Do Pet Fish Smell Bad? Even If You Maintain The Aquarium Well?
Believe it or not fish are one of the most odorless pets that you could consider giving a home to. They do not like dogs …
Do Pet Fish In Captivity Live Longer?
5 Facts To Know The majority of us will know the average expected lifespan of the fish that we keep in our aquariums. It is, …
How to Dispose of Dead Fish in a Respectful Way
We have all seen it in the movies where the family goldfish dies, and they all stand around the toilet as “Goldy” swirls away into …