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Top 5 Most Popular Central American Cichlids
The Central American Cichlids are the most popular fish in America. Having flown in from all parts of the world, these fish come from various …
Can Fish Drink Water? Do they ever get thirsty and need a drink!
Have you ever been asked a question, opened your mouth quickly to answer, and then stopped because you realize you really don’t know what to …
Can fish swim backwards?
Whether or not a fish can swim backward is probably not something that too many fish keepers have stopped to consider. After all, there are …
How To Increase Oxygen In a Fish Tank?
When it comes to aquariums, oxygen is one of those things that we know we need, but tend to forget about because we can’t see …
Signs Of Low Oxygen In An Aquarium
Though rare in occurrence in well-maintained tanks, low oxygen in an aquarium, can be devastating when it strikes! It can, and possibly will wipe out …
3 Ways To Clean The Glass On Your Aquarium Safely
It would be fair to say that aquarium glass maintenance and cleaning can be a long and arduous task. It is, however, a task that …
Diamond Watchman Goby: Size | Diet | Breeding
There are so many factors that determine how fascinating your aquarium can be and one of these factors includes the kind of fish you put …
Ram Cichlid: Diet | Breeding | Sexing | Lifespan | Care Guide
The amazing family of cichlids commonly known as dwarf cichlids contains a huge variety of fish none more beautiful than the Ram Cichlid. A relative …