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Sarasa Comet: Care, Feeding, Breeding, Cost Guide
I don’t know about you but for the longest time, I wanted a garden pond with a display of fabulous fish? I dreamed about, planned, …
Top 9 Freshwater fish for a new aquarium – #7 is my favorite
Starting any new hobby can be daunting, especially if it involves livestock. Aquarium keepers all over the world had to start somewhere and most will …
Black Moor: Diet | Size | Cost | Breeding | Lifespan | Care Guide
I think it would be pretty fair to say that we all know someone or that we were that someone that had a goldfish in …
Tropical Fish Diseases – Symptoms & Treatments
Are your fish healthy and active all the time? We hope so, but unfortunately, sometimes they do get sick, so it is better to be …
Antennata Lionfish: Feeding | Breeding | Cost | Care Guide
There is nothing I love more than a trip to my local marine aquatic store to see all the saltwater beauties that I long to …
Silver Dollar Fish: Complete Care, breeding, Feeding Guide
If I asked you to pick your favorite shoaling fish, what species would it be? For me, it is undoubtedly the simple but stunning Silver …
What is RO-DI aquarium water and is it important?
One of my favorite aquariums is the one that has coral reef and saltwater fish. I have a variety of live coral such as a …
9 Quietest Fish Tank Air Pumps – We reviewed the best!
Aquarium Air Pumps- 9 Quietest Fish Tank Air Pumps Reviewed The majority of beginners guides to setting up an aquarium will not include the humble …