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How many eggs do Koi lay? How many and how often
As you Koi starts to mature they will enevitabily start to breed in your pond as long as the conditions and timings are right. Spawning …
How long are Koi fish pregnant? Live Spawning or egg Layers
If you notice that a koi is expanding rapidly, you may be bracing yourself for the flip-flap of little fins sometime soon! The sudden bloating …
Do Koi fish Eat Mosquito Larvae? Cool Facts!
Koi fish are ferocious eaters and will eat anything that comes into contact with the water. However, as Koi fish average about 3 feet in …
American Flagfish (Jordanella floridae) Complete Care Guide
The American Flagfish (Jordanella floridae) comes from slow-moving marshes, swamps, lakes, and ponds in North America, Florida to through to the Yucatan Peninsula. It gets …
What Is The Lifespan Of A Goldfish? You Won’t Believe It!
Most people have owned and cared for a common goldfish, Right. Usually, one you have won at the state fair or bought on impulse from …
5 Best Aquarium Gravel Cleaners Reviewed & Tested
The gravel or substrate in your aquarium is there for a couple of reasons. To enhance the look of your aquarium and also to help …
Oranda Goldfish: Diet | Size | Water Conditions | Breeding
Anyone who has ever kept Coldwater fish or owned a pond will know that these beautiful fish the Oranda Goldfish (Carrassius auratus) are not your average …
Filters For Fish Bowls: Type | Size | Cost
Most people start fishkeeping when they’re young, starting with a small fish bowl or small tank in their bedroom. In this article, we discuss the …