Omega One Marine Pellets with Garlic Fish Food | Review | Price

marine pellets fish food

Omega One Small Marine Pellets with Garlic Fish Food are crafted from three primary ingredients: seafood, spirulina, and garlic. The recipe also includes vitamins, such as biotin. All of these ingredients are of the highest quality.  While seafood and spirulina make up the bulk, garlic is a strong presence in the pellets as well, to …

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Top 10 Aquarium YouTubers 2022 – Plus up and coming stars!


If you’re like me and are addicted to watching aquarium videos on Youtube, then you probably know one or two of the biggest names on this Top 10 Aquarium YouTubers 2019 list. But I’m pretty sure there are a few on this list that you have never heard of. Why am I so sure? Because I only …

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Beginner’s Guide To The Different Types Of Fish Food

discus fish feeding

To say that just like any other living thing fish need food to survive, would be kind of obvious, right? I thought so! However, what might not be quite so obvious is that not every fish species requires the same diet. Just like there are carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores amongst land-dwelling animals, so there are …

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Best Catfish Food – (2020) Catfish Food Review

best catfish food

Catfish are an excellent choice of aquarium fish, keeping them in your home aquarium allows you to experience these amazing fish and witness the peaceful life they live. But what’s the Best catfish food you can give them? We thought it would be helpful to review the Best Catfish Food in 2019 to help your …

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Best Aquarium Heaters – The complete buyers guide!

best aquarium heaters

Most aquatic animals are cold-blooded, which means that the aquatic life is not able to regulate the temperature of their bodies. Thus, the temperature of their environment needs to be maintained whether it is natural or man-made. The primary purpose of an aquarium heater is to regulate the temperature of the tank. The temperature of …

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Best Filters For Small Fish Tanks – ALL BUDGETS COVERED!

best filters for small fish tanks

If you are a pet lover and have fish in a small tank around your home, then you must know that apart from feeding them your other responsibility is to clean the mess they leave behind. So for that, you’ll need one of the best filters for small fish tanks. There are a number of …

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